Every year on October 11, International Girl Child Day is a globally observed event that gives girls more power and gives them a voice. Similar to International Women’s Day, which is observed on March 8 for adults, International Day of the Girl Child promotes the creation of additional opportunities for teenage girls to recognize their value, strength, and potential. Simultaneously, this day is set aside to end gender-based issues that young girls encounter globally, such as child marriages, inadequate educational chances, violence, and prejudice. To get rid of certain kinds of prejudices Young females can support their futures by using Scholar’s resources for scholarships from all across the world.

At Universe Public School, we proudly celebrate International Girl Child Day 2024, a momentous occasion dedicated to recognizing and empowering the incredible potential of every girl. This year, Our school has planned several kinds of motivational events and workshops to help our female students develop their leadership, creativity, and self-assurance. We are dedicated to bringing attention to the significance of gender equality and the entitlement of every girl to chances and education through thought-provoking talks, artistic endeavors, and inspirational speeches. By celebrating this day, (CBSE and RBSE) Universe Public School reaffirms its commitment to nurturing a supportive environment where girls are encouraged to dream big and achieve their fullest potential.

The Theme For International Girl Child Day 2024 

The theme for the 2024 International Day of the Girl Child is “Elevating Girls’ Voices for Sustainable Development”.

History of International Girl Child Day 

This day has been observed as “International Girl Child Day,” or simply “International Girls’ Day,” since December 19, 2011. In the UN General Assembly, a resolution was passed that declared October 11 as a day to honor the girls. The Beijing Declaration, adopted in 1995 during the World Conference on Women in Beijing, was the first document to advocate for the rights of women and girls. It was the first blueprint in global history to recognize the need to address problems encountered by teenage girls everywhere. As a component of the global non-governmental organization Plan International’s “Because I am a Girl” campaign, International Day of the Girl Child was established.

A non-governmental organization called Plan International operates in about 70 nations globally. It led the 2007 campaign to raise awareness of the need to raise girls everywhere, but particularly in impoverished nations where conditions are worse. The campaign was designed to nurture girls- especially in developing countries, to promote their rights, and bring them out of poverty. During the campaign, the idea for International Day of the Girl Child emerged, and it was put into action when its representatives asked the Canadian federal government to find a Coalition of supporters.

International Girl Child Day Timeline 

  • 1995 (World Conference on Women): The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is the first forward-thinking agreement to further women’s rights.
  • 2011 (International Girl Child Day): October 11 is designated as International Day of the Girl Child by the United Nations, in accordance with Resolution 66/170.
  • 2012 (The Inaugural): The goal of the inaugural International Day of the Girl Child celebration is to put a stop to child marriages.
  • 2013 (The Day Gains Traction): As of 2013, this day is observed globally for more than 2,043 events.
  • 2020 (My Voice, Our Equal Future): The concept revolved around the idea of having the same access to opportunity, privileges, and resources as boys.

How to Observe International Girl Child Day

  • Actively Participate in the Theme

Since its inaugural celebration, International Day of the Girl Child has had a distinct theme every year. Find out what the year’s theme is, then get involved by starting social media campaigns with the hashtag #BrighterFutureForGirls.

  • Make the Girls Around you Feel Special

Why limit our efforts to making ladies feel special to their birthdays or special dates? Give your teenage daughter, sister, or any other young woman in your life a small sign of your gratitude, and give her as much control as you can.

  • Participate in a Girl’s Empowerment Campaign

These girls need to be raised by strong, disciplined guys who will soon be turning into women. So go ahead and support your girls in their initiatives against violence and discrimination based on gender.

Why International Girl Child Day is Important

  • It Empowers Girls

It is a commendable move to speak up for the rights of young girls who are subtly repressed worldwide amidst the noise of Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, and even Women’s Day celebrations. It is on this day we get to appreciate the lassies who lighten up our world. It should be noted that a woman with education and talent may avoid infant mortality considerably more effectively than a woman without skill or social abuse. She can also take care of the house more sophisticatedly and give more to society overall.

  • It Works to Eliminate Deep-Rooted Gender-based Issues

In every household, especially in developing nations, gender-based discrimination, and oppression are threateningly widespread due to deeply ingrained issues and harmful mindsets that have been passed down through the centuries. International Day of the Girl Child seeks to eliminate the tragic predicaments of little girls around the world.

  • Empowered Girls Grow Up to be Empowered Women 

Every person’s adolescence is a crucial time in their lives. Because it shapes the course of girls’ lives, it is in everyone’s best interest to take care of them when they are young. They can grow up to be free, intelligent women in the future if they are given authority when they are still impressionable. We all benefit as a society. Raising awareness in the community has been the direct cause of all the programs aimed at fostering girls.


What is International Girl Child Day

The celebration and advocacy for the rights and empowerment of girls worldwide takes place on October 11, which is known as International Girl Child Day.

What is the theme for International Girl Child Day 2024?

The theme for the 2024 International Day of the Girl Child is “Elevating Girls’ Voices for Sustainable Development”. 

Why is International Girl Child Day is important?

It highlights attention to problems that girls confront, supports gender parity, and fights for equitable access for all girls to opportunity, healthcare, and education.

How can I participate in International Girl Child Day?

You can take part by going to events, giving money to groups that support female empowerment, and spreading the word about the value of girls’ rights on social media.

What can schools do to celebrate International Girl Child Day?

Schools may organize informative talks, workshops, and events as well as engage students in gender equality and girl empowerment initiatives.