Mathematics Day, on December 22, celebrates the birth anniversary of India’s famed mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. Mathematicians have compared Ramanujan’s brilliance to that of 18th- and 19th-century figures like Jacobi and Euler. His contributions to number theory are particularly well-respected, and he advanced the partition function. Since 2012, December 22 has been observed as India’s National Mathematics Day, with a number of educational activities taking place at colleges and universities around the nation. In 2017, the day’s significance was enhanced by the opening of the Ramanujan Math Park in Kuppam, in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. Sri Ramanujan and other math enthusiasts are found all across the world, and some even help others learn more about the subject.

Universe Public School (CBSE School & RBSE School) proudly celebrated National Mathematics Day 2024 with great enthusiasm, honoring the remarkable legacy of the legendary mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan. The day was filled with interesting activities that emphasized the value of mathematics in daily life. Students’ enthusiasm and love of numbers were piqued by interactive seminars, arithmetic quizzes, and problem-solving exercises. A special seminar was conducted by guest educators to discuss the significance of mathematical concepts in shaping the future.

National Mathematics Day History

  • The founder of Mathematics Day in India is the famous mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, whose contributions have influenced society both domestically and internationally. Ramanujan was born in 1887 to an Iyengar Brahmin family in Erode, Tamil Nadu. He developed several of his own theorems and became proficient in trigonometry at the age of twelve despite having minimal formal education.
  • At the age of 14, Ramanujan fled his home and enrolled in Pachaiyappa’s College in Madras. Ramanujan was unable to finish his studies with a Fellow of Arts degree because, like his peers there, he solely succeeded in mathematics without achieving the same success in other subjects. Ramanujan chose to conduct independent research in mathematics despite his extreme poverty.
  • The aspiring mathematician quickly caught the attention of Chennai’s mathematics. The founder of the Indian Mathematical Society, Ramaswamy Iyer, helped him secure a clerkship at the Madras Port Trust in 1912. After that, Ramanujan began sending his work to mathematicians in Britain. A mathematician from Cambridge named GH Hardy was so impressed by Ramanujan’s theorems that he invited him to London in 1913.
  • In 1914, Ramanujan traveled to Britain, where Hardy helped him enroll in Trinity College, Cambridge. Ramanujan was well on his way to success after being elected as a member of the London Mathematical Society in 1917. He was also made a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1918, making him one of the youngest people to get this honor.

Significance of National Mathematics Day

Let us see about National Mathematics Day 2024 in Detail:

  • On National Mathematics Day 2024, read about trigonometry. Ramanujan develops trigonometry theorems on his own. It is among the best mathematical inventions ever made.
  • Consider seeing a Ramanujan film on National Mathematics Day in 2024. The life of Ramanujan is depicted in the film rather clearly.
  • As Ramanujan has shown, every student has unique strengths and shortcomings. While doing our best is always important, don’t forget to help and encourage a kid who does exceptionally well in a particular subject.
  • National Mathematics Day honors and celebrates the remarkable mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, who departed college to study mathematics on his own after struggling in other topics.

Mathematics Day Timeline 

  • 1887 (Ramanujan is Born): A great mathematician who made a lasting impact on the discipline, Ramanujan was born into a poor Iyengar Brahmin family in Erode, Tamil Nadu.
  • 1918 (A High Achievement): Soon after being elected to join the London Mathematical Society in Britain, Ramanujan becomes one of the youngest individuals in history to be named a Fellow of the Royal Society.
  • 2012 (Mathematics Day is Recognized): In honor of Ramanujan’s achievements, former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh proclaims December 22, the day of Ramanujan’s birth, to be National Mathematics Day.
  • 2019 (The Royal Society Honors Ramanujan): The prestigious Royal Society  United Kingdom’s National Academy of Sciences– tweets a special message in honor of the fellow.

5 Amazing Facts About Trigonometry 

  • The Fundamental Identities

There are eight Trigonometric identities called fundamental identities, three of them are called Pythagorean identities as they are based on the Pythagorean theorem.

  • An Ancient Calculation

In the third century BC, trigonometry developed as a result of the use of geometry in astronomy research.

  • Mathematics as Music

A single note can be represented on a sine curve, a chord can be represented with multiple sine curves used in conjunction with one another, and sound waves travel in a repeating wave pattern that can be graphically represented by sine and cosine functions. Trigonometry is closely related to music and is a key component of musical theory and production.

  • The Meaning of Trigonometry

The word ‘Trignometry’ comes from the word ‘Triangle Measure.’

  • Trigonometry Helps Us Navigate 

If we had trigonometry in the 1700s, we would most likely be a ship’s navigator. With a little trigonometry and a decent clock, a skilled navigator can find their position even in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.


What is National Mathematics Day?

To celebrate the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan, the mathematical genius, National Mathematics Day is observed on December 22 every year. It acknowledges his enormous contributions to mathematics and raises awareness of the importance of mathematics in daily life.

Why is Srinivasa Ramanujan celebrated on this day?

Self-taught mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan made revolutionary contributions that have had a long-lasting effect, especially in number theory, infinite series, and continuing fractions. December 22, his birthday, was declared National Mathematics Day in India to celebrate his extraordinary achievements.

How is National Mathematics Day celebrated in schools and colleges?

Schools and colleges celebrate the day with math quizzes, puzzles, exhibitions, seminars, and workshops. The purpose of the activities is to encourage kids to become interested in mathematics and to make learning the subject enjoyable.

Why is mathematics important in our daily lives?

Mathematics is essential in everyday activities like budgeting, cooking, shopping, and technology. It forms the foundation of several disciplines, including data science, engineering, and economics, and aids in logical reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

How can students get involved in National Mathematics Day?

Students can take part in math-related contests, work on projects with well-known mathematicians, go to workshops, or work through challenges and puzzles. Another excellent method to remember is to participate in group activities or conversations on the importance of math in various professions.

Human Rights Day 2024, celebrated on December 10, serves as a global reminder of the fundamental rights and freedoms that belong to every individual, regardless of race, gender, nationality, or background. The theme for this year highlights how crucial equality, justice, and dignity are to building a more equitable world for everybody. It commemorates the anniversary of the 1948 adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a seminal text that now serves as motivation for reform efforts. Human Rights Day 2024 urges people, groups, and governments to work together to defend and advance these fundamental rights as we consider the advancements made and the obstacles still facing us, making sure that no one is left behind in the fight for equality and freedom.

Universe Public School (CBSE School & RBSE School) is excited to celebrate Human Rights Day 2024 on December 10 with a series of activities aimed at fostering awareness and understanding of fundamental human rights among students. The celebration this year will feature interactive workshops, imaginative art exhibits, and stimulating discussions on the subject of equality, justice, and dignity for all. Through these activities, Universe Public School wants to encourage its young students to stand up for justice and take an active role in creating a society that is more equitable and inclusive.

Together, let’s uphold the values that unite humanity. Human Rights Day motivates people, groups, and governments around the world to collaborate in building a more just and equal society where everyone’s voice counts by promoting awareness, stimulating discussion, and motivating action.

The Theme for Human Rights Day 2024

The Theme for Human Rights Day 2024 is “Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now”. The day will focus on human rights education for children and youth.

Why Do We Celebrate International Human Rights Day?

The United Nations was established soon after World War II with the goal of defending the freedom and rights of all people worldwide, and it still does so today. The establishment of the Declaration of Human Rights was intended to serve as a “common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.” This document is the most downloaded document worldwide and has been translated into more than 500 languages! The purpose of World Human Rights Day is to celebrate this historic international commitment and provide nations a chance to reaffirm their adherence to these crucial values. It’s also an opportunity to highlight breaches of human rights that occur around the world so that we can push forward for a better and brighter future for all.

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

First, though, let’s talk about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a foundational text that was ratified by the UN General Assembly and, as its name implies, lays out a set of essential human rights for everyone, everywhere. There are thirty articles of the UDHR that cover various facets of human rights. Some of these rights include:

  • Right to life, liberty, and security.
  • Right to equality and non-discrimination.
  • The right to recognition as a person before the law.
  • Right to freedom of expression.
  • Right to education.
  • The right to work under just and favorable conditions.
  • Right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
  • Prohibition of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, including torture.
  • The privilege of being believed innocent unless proven guilty and the right to a fair trial.

History of Human Rights Day 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was ratified on December 10, 1948, is the foundation of Human Rights Day’s lengthy history. This important agreement, which sought to create a worldwide commitment to fundamental human rights, came into being following the tragic effects of World War II. This declaration, which was drafted with the help of visionaries like Eleanor Roosevelt, lays out the inherent rights and dignity of every individual, overcoming boundaries and distinctions. Every year on December 10th, Human Rights Day is celebrated to honor the passage of this historic statement and to serve as a reminder of the continuous fight for justice, equality, and the global protection of human rights.

Importance of Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day is a vital occasion that underscores the universal rights and freedoms inherent to every individual, promoting equality, justice, and human dignity. It celebrates the 1948 acceptance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a landmark event that laid the groundwork for international human rights norms and is observed on December 10 every year. This day serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by marginalized communities and the collective responsibility to uphold these rights for all.

Human Rights Day Activities: Joining the Celebration

Imagine schools becoming enchanted realms where everyone is taught the value of respect, justice, and kindness. Students could write motivational poetry, create vibrant posters, or even perform plays that highlight the value of human rights. Communities might organize parades, where people walk together, holding hands, to symbolize unity and togetherness. On this day, everyone transforms into a superhero and defends what is just and moral.

Why do we Need Human Rights?

Human rights are the glue that keeps everything together in our magical world. They ensure that no one is left behind and that everyone has a chance to be happy and shine brightly. Human rights advocates envision a society in which everyone is treated with kindness. So why do we need human rights? Because they serve as a reminder that each of us is special, different, and worthy of respect and love. They educate us to stand up for what is right, to be fair, and to be kind.

What is Human Rights Day?

Human Rights Day is observed on December 10th to honor the laws that remind us to treat everyone with respect, kindness, and equity.

What is the Theme for Human Rights Day 2024?

The Theme for Human Rights Day 2024 is “Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now”. The day will focus on human rights education for children and youth.

Why do we celebrate Human Rights Day on December 10th?

Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established in 1948, December 10th is considered the birthday of human rights.

Why are Human Rights important?

Human Rights are like superhero rules that make sure everyone is treated fairly and with dignity, no matter who they are or where they come from.

How can we celebrate Human Rights Day?

December 10th is Human Rights Day. You can commemorate it by composing poetry, creating vibrant posters, practicing kindness, or participating in events that uphold the rights of others. It is a day to share happiness and goodwill!

World Children’s Day is celebrated annually on November 20th. Its objectives are to raise awareness and foster unity among all children, support and celebrate children’s rights, and enhance child welfare globally. Initially launched in 1954, Universal Children’s Day has seen some milestone events in the field of child welfare. The purpose of the day is to commemorate the dates on which the United Nations General Assembly enacted the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, promotes and coordinates this special day, which also works towards improving children’s welfare.

In 2024, Universal Public School is excited to celebrate World Children’s Day, a day that honors the happiness, rights, and welfare of children everywhere. After an inspiring assembly, there will be participatory workshops, art projects, and games that encourage empathy, inclusivity, and self-expression. Students will have the opportunity to participate in discussions about their rights and dreams for the future, highlighting the importance of their voices in shaping a better world.

By celebrating World Children’s Day, Universe Public School (CBSE School & RBSE School) hopes to empower all children and develop a sense of global citizenship in them, creating a nurturing environment where each student feels appreciated and motivated to reach their full potential.

The Theme for World Children’s Day 2024 

The Theme for World Children’s Day 2024 is “For Every Child, Every Right,” which calls for efforts to ensure that all children receive their fundamental rights. This includes the right to food, education, sanitation, housing, and protection from harmful work.

What are Children’s Rights?

There are 54 children’s rights in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Some of these are:

  • The right to be alive (Article 6)
  • The right to clothing, food, a safe place to live, and to have their basic needs met (Article 27)
  • The right to give their opinion (Article 12)
  • The right to play and rest (Article 31)
  • The right to education (Article 28)
  • The right to protection from work that harms them, and is bad for their health and education (Article 32)

It is extremely crucial that children understand their rights on Universal Children’s Day. It’s also critical that they keep in mind that not all children worldwide have access to these rights.

History of World Children’s Day 

The Reverend Dr. Charles Leonard, pastor of the Universalist Church of the Redeemer in Chelsea, Massachusetts, established Children’s Day on the second Sunday of June in 1857. A special ceremony for the children was given by Leonard. The day was first called Flower Sunday, then Children’s Day, and then Leonard gave it the moniker Rose Day. Children’s Day was first declared a national holiday by the Republic of Turkey in 1920 with the set date of April 23. Since 1920, the Turkish government and publications have observed Children’s Day nationwide, announcing it as a day dedicated to children.

However, the founder and president of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, made the formal announcement nationwide in 1929 when it was determined that an official confirmation was required to explain and legitimize this celebration. The United Nations created Universal Children’s Day in 1954, but an expanded version of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was not accepted by the UN General Assembly until November 20, 1959. Originally acquired in 1924 by the League of Nations, the UN adopted this document as its own statement of children’s rights.

World Children’s Day Timeline 

  • 1920 (Turkey Leads the Way): Children’s Day was first declared a national holiday in Turkey.
  • 1954 (United Nations gets Involved): Universal Children’s Day was formally created by the UN.
  • 1959 (An Offical Document): An expanded version of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was accepted by the UN General Assembly.
  • 2012 (Ban Ki-Moon): UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spearheaded the push to ensure all children could go to school by 2015.

How to Observe World Children’s Day 

  • Find an Event: Every year, the UN sponsors events that bring together children and adults to raise awareness. Some of the most well-known authors in the world came together in 2016 to create incredibly brief stories that shed attention on the issues that the world’s poorest children confront. You will have a lot of options because many UN affiliates also host their own activities.
  • Spend Some Time in the Community: You can organize your own gathering to encourage adults to interact with local children. This might be as straightforward as gathering in a neighborhood park, or it could involve a more lavish celebration planned by the local council. Either way, the point is to show the children how important it is to build a bond with the community.
  • Sponsor a Child: Donating or even sponsoring a child at a set monthly cost is now simpler than ever due to UNICEF and other organizations. A small donation can go a long way in changing the life of a child. Make this the day to donate to a global charity or sponsor a child if you’ve ever considered doing so.

Why World Children’s Day is Important 

  • Guarantees Rights to Children: The rights granted to individuals are typically interpreted as being for adults in official government documents. However, thanks to the UN, governments around the world have adopted treaties that guarantee children the right to life, education, health, family, play, and protection from violence, discrimination, and suppression.
  • They are the Future: Changes take time and by time, we means generations. We must start with today’s youth if we are to secure a stable, secure, and sustainable future for our world. Early education is therefore essential, and the UN is spearheading this effort.
  • Raises Awareness: It could be simple to ignore the issues that today’s kids face if they aren’t noticeable in their day-to-day activities. World Children’s Day seeks to spread the knowledge that there are millions of children around the world who don’t have access to healthcare, education, or opportunities.

What is World Children’s Day?

Every year on November 20th, World Children’s Day is celebrated with the goals of fostering global harmony, increasing public awareness of children’s rights, and enhancing the welfare of children everywhere. Established by the United Nations, this day emphasizes the importance of providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for every child to thrive.

What is the Theme for World Children’s Day?

The Theme for World Children’s Day 2024 is “For every child, every right,” which calls for efforts to ensure that all children receive their fundamental rights. This includes the right to food, education, sanitation, housing, and protection from harmful work.

Why is World Children’s Day celebrated on November 20th?

The UN General Assembly established the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959, two significant milestones for children’s rights that are commemorated on November 20th. Celebrating this day highlights the commitment to upholding and advancing children’s rights globally.

How can schools celebrate World Children’s Day?

Schools can celebrate World Children’s Day by organizing activities like interactive workshops, art projects, assemblies, and cultural programs that promote children’s welfare, and rights. Discussions on equality, empathy, and respect help students understand the importance of these values.

How can parents get involved in World Children’s Day?

On World Children’s Day, parents can participate by talking to their kids about their rights, aspirations, and the value of kindness and compassion. They can also take part in community outreach initiatives, attend local events, or even organize family projects that help underprivileged kids or include acts of kindness.

Guru Nanak Jayanti, also called Gurpurab, is a significant holiday observed by Sikhs all over the world to commemorate the birth of Sikhism’s founder, Guru Nanak Dev Ji. This day is significant as it commemorates Guru Nanak’s teachings and contributions to humanity. Guru Nanak Jayanti in 2024 will be observed with prayers, devotion, and community service. Celebrated on Kartik Purnima, the full moon day, Sikh gurdwaras around the world honor this day with colorful processions, prayers, and langar, or community service. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings emphasized equality, selfless service, and compassion, inspiring followers to live in harmony and uphold truth.

Universe Public School (CBSE School & RBSE School) will celebrate Guru Nanak Jayanti with joy, and devotion, offering students a glimpse into the profound teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. A unique assembly with prayers, songs, and anecdotes from Guru Nanak’s life will be part of the event, which will highlight the importance of equality, compassion, and unity. Teachers will lead class discussions on his teachings on “Ik Onkar” (One God) and the value of leading an honest and unselfish life. As a sincere homage to Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s legacy, the school also organizes community service projects that inspire pupils to practice charity and love.

The Theme For Guru Nanak Jayanti 2024

The Theme for Guru Nanak Jayanti 2024 is celebrating harmony and reflecting on the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

History of Guru Nanak Jayanti 

Guru Nanak Dev’s birth was April 15, 1469 A.D. Punjab’s Lahore is where he was born. Mata Tripti Devi and Mehta Kalu Chand were the parents of Guru Nanak. He got married to Bibi Sulakhani and was blessed with two sons, Srichand and Lakshmichand. He left the house to meditate in the woods because he was religious from an early age. He began preaching about God and how people might live their lives in order to get to God. His songs were included in the Japji Sahib, a Sikhism-based sacred text that is also a component of the Guru Granth Sahib. The stages of a man’s life before he passes away are described. His first devotee was Mardana, and Baba Nanak traveled across the land to preach to the public. Every year in November, a special day is set aside to commemorate his birthday anniversary. In 1538 A.D., at the age of 69, Guru Nanak passed away.

Significance of Guru Nanak Jayanti 

Let us see about Guru Nanak Dev’s Birthday 2024 Significance.

  • In 2024, Guru Nanak Dev’s birthday is commemorated with the most devotion.
  • The holy book of Sikhs, the Guru Granth Sahib, will be read nonstop for two days before Guru Nanak Dev’s birth anniversary.
  • People from the state of Punjab and Delhi will conduct many activities like serving food and water to the poor, cleaning the roads, and many other activities.
  • The Devotees will continuously execute Gatka, a sort of martial arts, and chant songs in praise of their masters.
  • On the day of Guruparak, people will visit Gurdwaras to offer prayers, and take blessings from the Gurus.

Guru Nanak Jayanti Timeline 

  • 1469 (The Birth of an Inspiration): Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born on April 15, 1469, in the present-day Pakistani district of Sekhpura, in Rai Bhoi Ki Talwandi, close to Lahore. 
  • 1500 (Sikhism Forms as a Religion): Around 1500 CE, Guru Nanak began teaching a religion very different from Islam and Hinduism. Nine gurus followed Nanak, and throughout the ensuing years, the Sikh faith and society grew.
  • 1539 (Guru Nanak Passes Away): Guru Nanak dies at the age of 70, appointing Bhai Lena as his successor and renaming him as Guru Angad.
  • 2019 (Universities to Remember a Saint): The Punjab government declares that 11 universities would receive chairs honoring the renowned saint Guru Nanak.

 How to Observe Guru Nanal Jayanti 

  • Decorate Your Home : Sikhs celebrate the auspicious and sacred event known as Guru Nanak Jayanti. Decorate and light up your house with candles, clay lamps, and lights to include your loved ones in the festivities. This will make the remembrance even more special.
  • Read Verses and Hymns : The Golden Temple in Amritsar conducts a continuous reading of the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikhs’ sacred text, three days prior to Guru Nanak Jayanti. Reading the verses and hymns from the sacred Sri Guru Granth Sahib with family and loved ones can also serve as a reminder of Sikhism’s teachings at home.
  • Gift Food to the Community : Involve your children, family, and friends in preparing special delicacies, especially the Karah Parshad. This delicious treat is a kind of whole wheat flour halva that is shared among neighbors and the local pool. It is created with equal parts whole-wheat flour, clarified butter, and sugar. Make sure you join in this charitable and beautiful event.

Why We Love Guru Nanak Jayanti 

  • It Reminds us of Love : Guru Nanak was known for his social, political, and spiritual beliefs which were based on equality, love, virtue, and fraternity. He journeyed to far locations and disseminated the idea that there is only one God, who exists in his creations and is the eternal truth.
  • Martial Arts Skills are Amazing : Did you know that carrying a dagger or kirpan is a required item of faith for all Sikhs? This implies that Sikhs have a need to protect the weak and disenfranchised, as well as to uphold morality and the right to free speech. The ‘Gatka’ teams also showcase their swordplay at Guru Nanak Jayanti by participating in mock fights with traditional weaponry and practicing a variety of martial techniques.
  • Sikhism is a Beautiful Religion : Guru Nanak Jayanti is a celebration of the first Sikh guru, Guru Nanak, who formed mostly what the religion is today. The sacred celebration serves as a reminder to value all of our Sikh friends and family members and to educate ourselves about and show respect for their religion.

What is Guru Nanak Jayanti?

Guru Nanak Jayanti, also known as Gurpurab, commemorates the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first Guru and founder of Sikhism.

What is the Theme for Guru Nanak Jayanti 2024?

The Theme for Guru Nanak Jayanti 2024 is celebrating harmony and reflecting on the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

When is Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrated?

It is celebrated on Kartik Purnima, the full moon day in the month of Kartik, which usually falls in October or November.

Why is Guru Nanak Jayanti important?

The foundational values of Sikhism—equality, compassion, and devotion—are honored on this day by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

How is Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrated?

It is celebrated with hymn singing, prayers, processions, and community meals (langar) in gurdwaras, along with spiritual discussions.

In India, November 14 is observed as Children’s Day to raise awareness of children’s rights, care, and education. The day is also held as a tribute to India’s First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. He promoted a fulfilling education for youngsters and was affectionately referred to by them as “Chacha Nehru.” According to Nehru, children are a country’s greatest asset and the cornerstone of society. Children’s Day usually occurs in the country with motivating and educational events organized by and for kids all around India. Happy Children’s Day, also known as ‘Bal Diwas.”

Children’s Day is celebrated nationwide to increase awareness of children’s rights, care, and education. Universe Public School is all set to celebrate Children’s Day 2024 with great enthusiasm and joy, ensuring it’s a memorable day for all its students. To celebrate the essence of childhood and to acknowledge the role that children play in influencing the future, the school has organized an array of entertaining events, games, and performances. Teachers and staff will come together to organize cultural events, special sessions, and exciting competitions that inspire learning, laughter, and creativity.

Every kid will feel appreciated and adored as the celebration focuses on promoting a sense of joy, empowerment, and belonging. Universe Public School (CBSE School & RBSE School) hopes to give all of its young students an amazing Children’s Day experience by emphasizing both education and fun.

History of Children’s Day 

On November 14, 1889, Jawaharlal Nehru, the country’s first prime minister, was born into a Kashmiri Brahman family. His family had moved to Delhi in the early 1700s and were renowned for their academics and administrative skills. His father was Motilal Nehru, a well-known lawyer and leader of the Indian independence struggle who later became a close friend of Mahatma Gandhi. Two of the four children were girls, and Jawaharlal was the eldest. Later, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, a sister, was elected as the first female president of the UN General Assembly.

It is believed that Nehru was known as “Chacha Nehru” by children because he believed that children were the strength of India. On the other hand, the former prime minister was referred to as “chacha” due to his close relationship with Gandi, who everyone called “Bapu.” Jawaharlal Nehru was therefore given the nickname “chacha” since he was seen as the younger brother of the country’s father.

Nehru, under the guidance of Gandhi, turned out to be a leader of India’s struggle for independence in 1947. He established the framework for India’s independence as a democratic, secular, socialist, and autonomous nation. Nehru is recognized as the creator of modern India because of this. A resolution honoring Jawaharlal Nehru was unanimously voted by the parliament after his death in 1964, designating his birthday as the official Children’s Day date. Prior to 1956, India observed Children’s Day on November 20 every year after the United Nations proclaimed the day to be Universal Children’s Day in 1954. Therefore, each year since then, November 14 is celebrated as Children’s Day in India to celebrate the birth anniversary of the country’s first PM.

Timeline of Children’s Day

  • 1889 (The Birth of a Leader): Jawaharlal Nehru was born, later becoming India’s first prime Minister and honored on Children’s Day across the country.
  • 1947 (India Becomes an Independent Nation): In 1947, Nehru emerged as a key figure in India’s fight for independence, driven by Gandhi.
  • 1964 (Children’s Day is Honored): Following Jawaharlal Nehru’s passing, the parliament unanimously passed a resolution in his honor designating his birth anniversary as Children’s Day.
  • 2018 (Google Celebrates Children’s Day): In honor of Children’s Day, Google features a Doodle on its site that depicts a youngster using a telescope to view the sky. The winner of this year’s Doodle 4 contest is a student from Mumbai.

What are the Rights of a Child?

According to the constitution of India, the rights of children include:

  • All children aged 6 to 14 years have the right to free and mandatory primary education.
  • Protection from any hazardous employment or any type of abuse.
  • Right to het proper childhood care & education.
  • Right to be shielded from meeting any financial needs by engaging in jobs that are inappropriate for their strength or age.
  • Right to get fair & equal opportunities for an overall development.
  • Right to total protection from exploitation, freedom, and dignity.

Children’s Day Activities

  • Learn About India’s first Prime Minister : Children’s Day is observed on November 14 in remembrance of Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth anniversary. He had a reputation for highlighting the role that youngsters play in forming the country. “Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow,” he famously said.
  • Plan a Children’s Day Event : There are loads of events happening all over the country on Children’s Day. The majority of them are planned with the interests of kids of various ages in mind and are fairly priced. Your kids will have a great time and an unforgettable day if you choose an event that suits their interests.
  • Dress up in a Children’s Day Theme : You and your kids can dress up in a Children’s Day theme. For example, embark on a treasure hunt while dressed like pirates. To help kids in need, you can visit an orphanage or dress up as Nehr and spend time with kids in your community.

Why We Love Children’s Day

  •  Children are Important : According to Jawaharlal Nehru, children should have the right to a comprehensive education since they play a crucial role in forming a country. Everyone may relate to this concept, regardless of their nationality. Spend the day reminding your children or young relatives just how amazing they are and to dream big.
  • It’s a Fun Day for Children : Children are asked to forgo their school uniforms and dress in party attire at several Indian schools. For your kids or schoolchildren, it’s the ideal time to dress up and organize enjoyable activities so they will have wonderful memories of the day.
  • It Supports Young Ones : There are many events across India that will be both fun as well as helping out society. You can spend the day planting plants to help the environment or even planning fun activities with kids from all backgrounds who can be given freedom and a creative platform.

What is Children’s Day?

Children’s Day is a day dedicated to celebrating children and promoting their rights, education, and well-being.

When is Children’s Day celebrated in India?

On November 14th, the anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birth, it is celebrated.

How is Children’s Day celebrated in school?

Schools organize performances, games, fun activities, and some gifts for students.

Is Children’s Day celebrated globally?

Yes, many countries commemorate it on various dates. November 20th is celebrated globally as Universal Children’s Day.

How can we celebrate Children’s Day at home?

Families can celebrate by spending quality time, playing games, or having special treats for children. 

In India, National Education Day is observed on November 11th each year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the country’s first Minister of Education and a key figure in the independence movement. This day emphasizes the importance of education in shaping individuals and society. National Education Day is an invitation to carry on his legacy by making sure that everyone has access to, and is empowered by education. It emphasizes how important it is to close educational access gaps, encourage critical thinking, and provide young people with the tools they need to thrive in a world that is changing quickly.

Universe Public School (CBSE School & RBSE School) is excitedly and purposefully preparing to celebrate National Education Day in 2024. On November 11th, students and teachers will come together to honor the legacy of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a pioneer in Indian education and the nation’s first minister of education. A variety of events, such as motivational speeches, educational tests, essay-writing contests, and engaging workshops, will be held throughout the day to emphasize the value of education and knowledge exchange.

Azad’s goal for an educated and unified India will be the subject of special assemblies, which will inspire children to value diversity, curiosity, and lifelong learning. Universe Public School hopes to inspire students to make significant contributions to society and instill in them a feeling of pride in their educational journey by commemorating National Education Day.

The Theme for National Education Day 2024

The National Education Day Theme 2024 is expected to promote inclusive and quality education. The theme emphasizes the necessity of high-quality education that gives students the abilities and information needed to prosper in a world that is always changing. It highlights that education should foster critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence in addition to academic success.

History of National Education Day 

In 2008, National Education Day was first observed when the Indian government designated November 11th as Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s memorial day. His contributions to the development of educational policies and initiatives that have greatly influenced India’s educational system were crucial. His inclusive educational philosophy promoted literacy as well as a comprehensive method of instruction that takes moral and cultural values into account. The day serves as a reminder of the importance of education in empowering individuals and fostering national development.

Significance of National Education Day

National Education Day is significant as it raises awareness of the value of education in society. It aims to motivate educators, students, and legislators to concentrate on developing a strong educational system that supports universal access to high-quality education. The day encourages a dedication to innovation and excellence in education by honoring Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s efforts. It is a time to reflect on the challenges faced by the education sector and to strategize for improvements.

Importance of National Education Day

This day is crucial as it shows us where we can improve things. It serves as a kind of spotlight on the areas in which our educational system requires improvement. Additionally, it aids in assessing our progress toward the Sustainable Development Goal-4 (SDG 4). The main objective is to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have the opportunity to receive a top-notch education and acquire new skills.

Why Do We Celebrate National Education Day in India?

It all comes down to honoring the value of education! For every Indian, access to education is a fundamental right. It influences how our nation will develop in the future. Imagine having fantastic instructors and schools where all children, regardless of background, have the opportunity to learn. Ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to receive a top-notch education is the main goal of National Education Day!

Celebration Ideas For National Education Day 2024 

These imaginative celebration ideas inspire schools and communities to take an active role in promoting a love of learning and acknowledging the value of education.

  • Organize Educational Workshops: Organize workshops for instructors and students that emphasize skill development and instructional strategies.
  • Conduct Awareness Campaigns: Launch awareness-raising initiatives in communities and schools to highlight the value of education. 
  • Book Donations Drive: Encourage communities and students to contribute books to underprivileged local libraries or schools.
  • Guest Lectures: Ask educators and professionals in the field to discuss the value of high-quality education.
  • Educational Contests: Organize essay writing or poster-making contests centered around the theme of education.
  • School Assemblies: Celebrate National Education Day with speeches and performances at special assemblies held in schools.
  • Online Webinars: Host webinars on innovative teaching methods and the future of education. 
  • Community  Service Projects: Students should be encouraged to take part in educational community service programs.
  • Create Educational Videos: Students can make and distribute videos that explore their personal definitions of education.
  • Art Exhibitions: Plan art shows that highlight the value of education through a variety of artistic mediums.
  • Panel Discussions: Organize talks with kids, parents, and educators to examine the difficulties facing the education industry.
  • Celebrate Teachers: Organize unique events or give teachers tokens of appreciation to show your appreciation for their hard work.
  • Educational Field Trips: Plan field trips to educational institutions, science centers, or museums.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Launch campaigns on social media to raise awareness about the significance of education.

When is National Education Day?

Every year on November 11, India celebrates National Education Day. This date honors the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a well-known educationalist and the first Minister of Education in independent India.

What is the National Education Day 2024 Theme?

The National Education Day Theme 2024 is expected to promote inclusive and quality education.

Why is National Education Day celebrated?

The purpose of National Education Day is to honor the value of education in society. It seeks to promote universal access to high-quality education and increase understanding of educational needs. The day also honors contributions from reformers and educators.

Who is the father of education?

John Dewey is often referred to as the “father of education” due to his significant contributions to educational theory and practice. He advocated for progressive education that emphasizes experiential learning and critical thinking. His ideas have greatly influenced modern educational systems.

Who started National Education Day?

In 2008, the Indian government proclaimed November 11th to be National Education Day. This choice was taken in recognition of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad’s contributions to Indian education. Raising awareness of the value of education for everybody is the initiative’s main goal.

Every year on November 10, the world observes World Science Day for Peace and Development as a way to draw attention to the vital role that science plays in society and the significance of including the general public in conversations about new scientific subjects. The day emphasizes the relevance of science in our daily lives and aims to foster a closer connection between science and society. World Science Day for Peace and Development aims to educate the public about scientific advancements and the role scientists play in deepening our understanding of the world and creating a more sustainable society by encouraging discussion and awareness.

The day promotes the participation of a wide range of stakeholders, including students, government representatives, and the media, in events that advance science for peace and development. Everyone is urged by UNESCO to plan celebrations and activities that advance the objectives of World Science Day for Peace and Development. Universe Public School is excited to celebrate World Science Day for Peace and Development 2024, embracing the theme of harnessing scientific knowledge for the betterment of society.

Numerous interesting events, such as interactive workshops, science fairs, and motivational speeches by well-known scientists and educators, will commemorate this unique day. Our students will get the chance to investigate cutting-edge initiatives that highlight the critical role that science plays in advancing sustainable development and peace. Universe Public School (CBSE School & RBSE School) hopes to foster a feeling of responsibility in our young minds by encouraging curiosity and teamwork, which will motivate them to apply their understanding of science to have a beneficial impact on the world.

The Theme for World Science Day for Peace and Development 2024

The theme for World Science Day for Peace and Development in 2024 is “Global Science for Global Wellbeing”.

History of World Science Day for Peace and Development 

As a result of the successful World Conference on Science in Budapest in 1999, World Science Day for Peace and Development was born. The occasion was viewed as a yearly chance to reinforce the dedication to accomplishing the objectives delineated in the Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge and to implement the suggestions made in the Science Agenda: Framework for Action.

Numerous projects, programs, and financial initiatives for science have been launched worldwide since UNESCO declared it to be World Science Day for Peace and Development in 2001. The establishment of the UNESCO-backed Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO) is one example of how the day has helped to promote collaboration among scientists in conflict-affected areas.

The recognition of the critical role that science and scientists play in sustainable communities, as well as the need to educate and engage the public in science, is the foundation of the World Science Day for Peace and Development event. The day offers an distinctive perspective on the worldwide quest for peace and development by demonstrating the value of science in people’s lives and provoking conversations.

On November 10, 2002, UNESCO organized a global celebration under its auspices, with participation from UNESCO National Commissions, governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations, as well as scientific institutions, professional associations, the media, and educational institutions.

Significance of World Science Day for Peace and Development 

The World Science Day for Peace and Development (WSDP) emphasizes how important science is to advancing sustainable development and world peace. It acts as a reminder that scientific discoveries can be used to solve world problems and promote international collaboration.

  • Promoting Science for Peace: WSDP emphasizes how important science is to averting wars and encouraging amicable settlements. Scientific evidence can inform decision-making, promote dialogue, and build trust among nations.
  • Enhancing Science Education: The value of science education in developing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities is emphasized by WSDP. these skills are essential for creating a better future, and addressing global challenges. 
  • Promoting Science Diplomacy: International cooperation between scientists, decision-makers, and other interested parties is encouraged by WSDP to address global issues with scientific answers. This collaboration is essential for achieving sustainable development goals.
  • Raising Awareness of Science’s Impact: The goal of WSDP is to increase public awareness of how science affects daily life and how scientific discoveries have the power to better the world. This awareness fosters public support for science and its applications.
  • Inspiring Future Scientists: The WSDP encourages youth to get into science and technology fields as careers. The day inspires curiosity and motivates the upcoming generation of scientists to change the world by demonstrating the beneficial effects of science.

 World Science Day Activities and Resources 

The main purpose of celebrating World Science Day is to understand the role of science and technology in society. You may incorporate World Science Day into your classes quickly by using these PowerPoints, which are designed specifically to introduce kids to the concepts and goals of the day:

  • This fantastic Water Science Experiment Resource Pack will be an enjoyable, sensory activity for EYFS kids that will encourage them to learn by experience and pique their interest in science. 
  • Allowing your students to actively participate in our World Science Week Experiment Pack will help to increase their level of engagement with the material.
  • See this World Science Day Quiz for a test covering even more historical scientific figures. This completely interactive quiz covers topics ranging from Marie Curie to Mary Anning.

10th November 2024 Special Day 

On November 10, 2024, the world joins together to celebrate World Science Day for Peace and Development, highlighting the critical role that science plays in forming our civilization. The purpose of this day is to highlight the continued importance of science in our daily lives and to actively engage the public in conversations on new scientific issues. The aim is to foster a closer connection between science and society, promoting a shared understanding and appreciation of its significance.


What is World Science Day for peace and development?

World Science Day for peace and development is celebrated on November 10 each year to highlight the important role of science in promoting peace and sustainable development. 

What is the Theme for World Science Day for peace and development 2024?

The theme for World Science Day for Peace and Development in 2024 is “Global Science for Global Wellbeing”.

When was the first World Science Day for peace and development celebrated?

UNESCO established the first World Science Day for Peace and Development, which was observed in 2002.

What types of activities are organized for World Science Day?

Science-focused events that highlight the role of science in promoting peace and development might take the form of scientific fairs, seminars, talks, exhibitions, and community outreach initiatives.

How can schools celebrate World Science Day?

Schools can celebrate by planning science-related activities, talks, and projects that highlight how science advances peace and development while promoting student involvement and awareness.

Why is science important for peace and development?

Science contributes to peace and sustainable development by offering the information and resources needed to address global issues, advance societal progress, and encourage international collaboration.

Deepawali, also known as Diwali, is one of the most anticipated and widely celebrated festivals among Hindus in India and across many parts of the world. The five-day celebration of Diwali begins with Dhanteras and concludes with Bhai Dooj. Many refer to it as the festival of lights, pleasure, joy, and wealth. The Hindu month of Kartik, also known as Kartik Amavasya, is when Diwali is celebrated, and it falls on the darkest night of the year. People dress up in new clothes, exchange gifts, light up their houses and streets with diyaas and candles, and indulge in delectable traditional cuisine as they celebrate Diwali. The Festival of Lights is expected to take place on Friday, November 1st, 2024. The most auspicious times, according to Drik Panchang, are from 5:36 to 6:16 p.m.

Universe Public School is eagerly preparing to celebrate Happy Diwali 2024 with a spirit of joy, learning, and togetherness. The school will have a lively Diwali celebration this year, complete with events that emphasize the festival’s cultural significance. To encourage a green Diwali, students will make lovely rangolis, adorn classrooms with vibrant lights and diyas, and take part in eco-friendly projects. Special assemblies will feature performances, skits, and speeches on the importance of unity and the triumph of good over evil. Students are encouraged to spread the excitement of Diwali to their classmates, professors, and the community while also instilling cultural values.

At Universe Public School, a distinguished CBSE School & RBSE School in Jaipur, we embrace the diversity that exists within our student body. We’ll explore the ways in which this festival unites students from many origins, promotes understanding, and bridges cultural divides. Together, we can celebrate the authentic spirit of Diwali and set off on a voyage of cultural exchange.

  • The Tapestry of Diversity

The Universe Public School stands as a microcosm of cultures, languages, and traditions. Students have the chance to learn about and enjoy the beauty of many cultures in our multicultural setting. This variety is further highlighted during Diwali when students from all backgrounds unite to celebrate.

  • The Universal Message of Diwali

Diwali is more than just a Hindu holiday; it’s a celebration of good over evil and light over darkness. All people, regardless of their cultural or religious background, may relate to this common message. Our kids discover that Diwali’s core principles apply to their own lives as well, encouraging virtues like empathy, optimism, and solidarity.

  • Embracing Traditions

Diwali becomes a chance to celebrate customs from different countries in a multicultural educational environment. Students discuss their distinctive festival-related rituals, cuisines, and customs. Everyone benefits from the wonderful experience created by this sharing of customs.

  • Cross-Cultural Learning

Students participate in cross-cultural learning during Diwali, studying the meaning behind various celebration elements. They study the many Diwali legends, the significance of lighting diyas, the symbolism of sweets, and rangoli artwork. This knowledge fosters a sense of understanding and respect for diverse traditions.

  • Collaborative Celebrations

At Universe Public School, Diwali celebrations are collaborative and inclusive. Regardless of their cultural origin, students gather to give gifts, make rangoli designs, decorate the school, and eat festive meals. These shared experiences build a sense of camaraderie and unity among students. 

  • Fostering Empathy

Empathy is developed via appreciating and comprehending one another’s holidays. Students learn to view the world from a variety of angles during Diwali. This compassion fosters a peaceful and welcoming school climate outside of the festival. 

  • Cultural Showcases

Cultural exhibitions are possible during the Diwali festivities. Students might discuss the cultural significance of Diwali through presentations, plays, or dances. This fosters a sense of pride in their heritage in addition to educating their peers.

  • Diwali Beyond Borders

Diwali celebrations in multicultural educational settings transcend national boundaries in today’s globalized society. It fosters a sense of global citizenship, reminding students that festivals are a way to connect with others, no matter where they come from.

Universe Public School: Nurturing Cultural Unity 

Universe Public School, a top CBSE & RBSE school in Jaipur, recognizes the value of a comprehensive education that goes beyond textbooks. Our dedication to encouraging ethnic harmony, respect, and understanding among our children is demonstrated by the way we celebrate Diwali in our multicultural setting. The authentic spirit of Diwali is reflected in the celebration of the festival in a multicultural school setting. Building bridges, encouraging empathy, and preserving cultural ties are more important than simply burning diyas and trading candy. Diwali becomes a powerful reminder that diversity is our strength, and unity in our differences is what makes our school community truly special.

Let’s honor the light that each kid gives to our school as well as the celebration of lights as Diwali draws closer.  Together, we illuminate the path of understanding, acceptance, and unity, embodying the spirit of Diwali in its purest form.


What is Diwali and why is it celebrated?

One of the most significant Hindu holidays, Diwali, also called the Festival of Lights, is observed by Indian populations all over the world. It represents the triumph of knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and light over darkness. The festival is observed to commemorate the triumph of Lord Krishna over the demon Narakasura, the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya following a 14-year exile, and the veneration of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of riches and prosperity.

How is Diwali celebrated?

Diwali is celebrated by decorating and cleaning homes, lighting oil lamps (diyas), making rangolis, and bursting fireworks. Families get together to celebrate with festive dinners, exchange presents and sweets, and do Lakshmi Puja. Communities often organize cultural events, dances, and fairs to celebrate the festive spirit.

What is the significance of lighting diyas during Diwali?

Lighting diyas represents the eradication of ignorance and darkness, bringing optimism and light into our life. Additionally, the lights stand for wisdom, optimism, and the triumph of good over evil. It is a method to pay respect to the almighty powers and ask for blessings for contentment and success.

What is the spiritual meaning of Diwali?

Diwali represents the inherent light that each person possesses on a spiritual level. It promotes introspection, the application of compassion, and the eradication of ignorance via virtue and knowledge. It is a time to reconnect with the divine, seek inner peace, and spread love and positivity.

What eco-friendly alternatives can we adopt for Diwali?

People can celebrate a green Diwali by using eco-friendly substitutes like plant-based gifts, less or no fireworks, biodegradable diyas, and plastic-free décor. Reducing noise and air pollution by celebrating in a more environmentally-conscious way is encouraged.

Every year on October 24, the United Nations observes United Nations Day (UN Day) to mark the anniversary of the UN Charter’s adoption in 1945. The United Nations’ founding text, the UN Charter, lays forth the organization’s aims and objectives as well as the rights and obligations of its member nations. It serves as a reminder of the UN’s mission to promote human rights, security, peace, and cooperation among countries worldwide. Around the world, people commemorate United Nations Day to draw attention to the UN’s work tackling pressing problems including poverty, climate change, and international conflicts. Schools and organizations celebrate this day by organizing activities that highlight cultural diversity, world peace, and international diplomacy. These activities often include flag displays from educational programs, different nations, and discussions on global challenges.

In 2024, Universe Public School (CBSE School and RBSE School) will proudly and enthusiastically commemorate United Nations Day. In keeping with the fundamental principles of the UN, this year’s celebration will center on the themes of world peace, togetherness, and sustainability. Students will take part in a range of cultural and educational events that emphasize the value of global collaboration, such as debates, special assemblies, and imaginative presentations.

We hope that these activities will encourage our kids to value variety, advance peace, and recognize their responsibilities as global citizens. We will all work together to uphold the UN’s mandate and its endeavors to create a more equitable and better world.

United Nations: A Symbol of Hope for Global Unity 

United Nations Day, which is celebrated on October 24th, is very important since it marks the anniversary of the UN Charter’s adoption in 1945. The United Nations was formally created when the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, ratified this important instrument.

  • The United Nations stands apart as a symbol of hope for global unity.
  • It is unparalleled in its legitimacy, capacity to unite nations, and constructive impact on international standards.
  • No other global organization has the capacity to influence the future we hope to see and provide so many people hope for a better world.
  • In the modern world, it is more important than ever for all nations to come together and carry out the United Nations’ common objectives.
  • The annual UN Day celebration offers a chance to strengthen our shared agenda and restate the goals and ideals set forth in the UN Charter, which has served as our compass for the previous 78 years.
  • It serves as a reminder of the value of global collaboration and the quest for a more affluent and peaceful world for all.

History of the United Nations 

After World War II, 51 nations established the United Nations in 1945 with the goals of preserving world peace and security, fostering goodwill among states, and advancing human rights, social progress, and higher living conditions. The idea of the UN was first proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, in 1941. Roosevelt thought that in order to stop future conflicts and create a more just and peaceful world, a new international organization was required.

In 1945, representative from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California, to draft the UN Charter. The 26th of June 1945 saw the signing of the Charter. When the Charter was approved by the majority of signatories and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council—China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States—the UN formally came into being on October 24, 1945.

Significance of the United Nations 

The United Nations is the world’s largest and most important international organization. It is essential for advancing human rights, sustainable development, peace and security, and other significant international concerns. In the modern world, the UN is important for a number of reasons: 

  • It is a platform for dialogue and cooperation among nations. The United Nations offers a forum for nations to convene and discuss global issues. This is crucial in the modern world when international cooperation is needed to address many of the most important issues, like terrorism and climate change.
  • It is a force for peace and security. The United Nations strives to avert war, settle disagreements, and establish peace following hostilities. Additionally, it offers humanitarian aid to those impacted by natural disasters and conflicts. Numerous lives have been saved by the UN’s peacekeeping efforts, which have also been crucial in stopping the war from spreading.
  • It is a promoter of human rights. Globally, the UN seeks to uphold and advance human rights. It has ratified a number of significant human rights declarations and conventions. To assist nations in putting these principles into practice, it offers technical support. When it comes to keeping an eye on and documenting violations of human rights, the UN Human Rights Council is crucial.
  • It is a champion of sustainable development. The United Nations strives to advance sustainable development globally. This entails safeguarding the environment, fostering economic expansion, and lowering poverty. The UN has adopted several important sustainable development goals (SDGs). It helps nations accomplish these objectives by offering them technical assistance.

Why Do We Celebrate United Nations Day?

The significance of the UN’s efforts to promote global peace, security, collaboration, and development is emphasized on United Nations Day. Here are the key reasons why we celebrate United Nations Day:

  • Celebrate the UN’s Founding: The UN was formally established on October 24, 1945, when the United Nations Charter went into force.
  • Promotion of Global Peace and Security: After the Second World War, the United Nations was established to advance peace and avert future hostilities. We are reminded on United Nations Day that world stability and nonviolent conflict resolution are essential.
  • Highlighting Human Rights and Development: The UN is essential in promoting sustainable development, humanitarian aid, and human rights. United Nations Day recognizes these efforts and encourages everyone to continue working in these areas.
  • Encouraging Global Unity and Cooperation: The event highlights the value of international cooperation in addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, health crises, and climate change.
  • Celebrating Cultural Diversity: Numerous activities on United Nations Day promote mutual respect and understanding between various countries and communities by showcasing the world’s rich cultural diversity.

What is United Nations Day?

On October 24, people commemorate United Nations Day, which honors the organization’s 1945 creation and advances its goals of development, human rights, and peace.

Why do we observe United Nations Day?

Observed to promote worldwide cooperation, it highlights the UN’s efforts to address global challenges like poverty, environmental protection, and conflict resolution.

When was the first United Nations Day?

On October 24, 1948, three years after the UN’s founding, the inaugural United Nations Day was observed.

What activities are done on United Nations Day?

Schools, organizations, and communities host events such as cultural programs, speeches, discussions, and activities focused on global peace and sustainability.

Why is October 24 important?

The United Nations was formally founded on October 24, 1945, when the UN Charter went into force.

Global Handwashing Day takes place on the 15th of October, and it’s all about promoting the importance of handwashing with soap. The purpose of Global Handwashing Day is to raise awareness of the benefits of handwashing in preventing illness and the transmission of germs. More than 120 million kids worldwide washed their hands with soap on the inaugural Global Handwashing Day in 2008, which took place in more than 70 nations. Global Handwashing Day has been a platform for local and national leaders to promote handwashing, install sinks and tippy taps, and highlight the need to keep hands clean since 2008. Since then, Global Handwashing Day has continued to grow. Global Handwashing Day is supported by a wide range of entities, including governments, educational institutions, businesses, individuals, and non-governmental organizations.

To raise awareness of the value of washing your hands with soap and water, a variety of local, national, and international organizations get together on this day to host workshops, educational programs, and awareness campaigns aimed at the local population. CBSE and RBSE Universe Public School is excited to celebrate Global Handwashing Day 2024, emphasizing the vital importance of hand hygiene in promoting health and well-being. In addition to instructional sessions and handwashing technique demonstrations, staff and students will participate in a variety of activities on this memorable day.

The school wants to educate the community about good hygiene habits and the need to keep hands clean to prevent illness. Universe Public School urges everyone to embrace good handwashing practices as a straightforward yet effective method to contribute to a healthier future for everybody through entertaining activities and engaging workshops. Together, we will reinforce the message that clean hands save lives. 

The Theme of Global Handwashing Day 2024 

The 2024 Global Handwashing Day theme is Why are clean hands still important?”.

History of Global Handwashing Day 

Global Handwashing Day was created in 2008 by The Global Handwashing Partnership as an opportunity to develop, test, and duplicate creative ways to encourage people to wash their hands with soap at strategic times. It’s a global advocacy day that raises awareness of the need for handwashing regularly for everyone’s health around the globe. This yearly event on October 15, which was started by the Global Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing, has attracted interest from all across the world. It focuses on educating, communities, and people, particularly children, about the life-saving impact of regular handwashing with soap. The Handwashing Day campaign encourages people to wash their hands frequently and effectively to stop the spread of illness, especially among disadvantaged groups. World Handwashing Day promotes a clean culture globally through extensive campaigns, awareness efforts, and educational initiatives. The program makes a substantial contribution to worldwide public health initiatives by promoting good handwashing practices, which lower the risk of illness and enhance community well-being in general.

Importance of Global Handwashing Day 

One of the best, least expensive, and most effective ways to avoid diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea is to wash your hands with soap and water. Using soap to wash your hands is one of the most effective and affordable ways to avoid getting these diseases. This easy method can potentially save lives by cutting acute respiratory infections and diarrhea in half and one-fourth, respectively. When hands are not washed with water and soap, a lot of bacteria might spread, which might cause illness. This is the reason it’s crucial to wash your hands, particularly after using the restroom, getting ready to eat, and when you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose.

Handwashing has many benefits, but they may only be fully experienced if done correctly with soap and clean water. Alternatives to soap, such as ash or soil, can be used in areas where soap is not accessible. However, few people follow all the recommendations for a clean, bacteria-free hand and take handwashing seriously. Handwashing with soap and water is straightforward and inexpensive, and it can help to decrease the occurrence of sickness in young children. According to research, community handwashing education can provide the following benefits:

  • Decreasing the proportion of people who get diarrheal illness by roughly 23%–40%.
  • Reducing the number of days that kids miss from school by 29% to 57% as a result of gastrointestinal ailments.
  • Reducing 58% of diarrheal sickness in patients with compromised immune systems.
  • Lowering the whole population’s rate of respiratory illnesses like colds by roughly 16%–21%.

Tips for Healthy Hands 

Hand washing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. The guidelines to remember to maintain a healthy hand are as follows: 

  • Proper handwashing after using the restroom.
  • Hands should be completely cleaned before handling food to avoid infection.
  • Washing hands before and after eating.
  • Cleaning your hands after sneezing or coughing.
  • Scrubbing hands for 20 seconds (minimum).

What Can I Do To Spread Awareness for Global Handwashing Day?

There are many easy activities you can do at home or at your school to help raise awareness of Global Handwashing Day. Here are just a few great activities that you could try:

  • Posters and reminders should be placed throughout your school or learning area to highlight the significance of proper handwashing practice.
  • Encourage your children to use their imaginations to create their own handwashing brochures or posters.
  • Invite them to try creating some visually striking artwork with handwashing.

When Should You Wash Your Hands?

Here are a few situations where you ought to wash your hands.

  • Before eating food.
  • Before during and after preparing food.
  • After using the toilet.
  • Both prior to and following medical caregiving.
  • Before and after treating a wound or cut.
  • Once a youngster has used the restroom or after changing kid’s diapers.
  • After touching an animal feed, animal, or animal waste.
  • After touching garbage.
  • After coughing, blowing your nose, or sneezing.

What is Global Handwashing Day?

Every year on October 15, the world observes Global Handwashing Day to raise awareness of the importance of good hand hygiene as a defense against infectious diseases. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of washing hands with soap and water, especially in schools and communities.

What is the theme for Global Handwashing Day 2024?

The Global Handwashing Day 2024 theme is Why are clean hands still important?”.

Why is Handwashing important?

Handwashing is crucial for preventing the spread of germs and infections. Especially for kids, practicing good hand hygiene can dramatically lower their chance of contracting respiratory infections, diarrhea, and other infectious diseases.

What activities can organizations or schools participate in for Global Handwashing Day?

Organizations and educational institutions can produce informative posters, provide hygiene kits, and hold workshops, demonstrations, or enjoyable activities like handwashing challenges. Engaging the community in discussions about the importance of hand hygiene can also be impactful.

How can I encourage others to practice good hand hygiene?

You may promote handwashing as a healthy habit, set an example for others, and take part in neighborhood activities like Global Handwashing Day. Providing resources, such as hand sanitizers, and soap, can also help promote good hygiene practices.